Archive for February, 2014

This is DEEP. THIS is what I mean about “Setting The Aesthetic Standard”:

“Wounded Knee happened because Indian people wanted to survive as Indians and there wasn’t any way to survive, so we made a stand and made a statement, but now Indian people are beginning to rebound, rebound according to their [concept of] “Beauty.” And that’s really what’s understand: Indian people have to become free again.” —-Russell Means

“On this date in 1973 a revolution began. It sparked Indian civil rights for many years to come, all the way thru today. My father Russell Means was there, leading the charge alongside everyone else who were willing to die for the rights of the Oyate. We don’t have that anymore, people that ARE willing to die for our people. One thing I remember my father telling me when I killed my first buffalo, that week in porcupine while I was preparing, it was just me and him at the ranch. We were sittin on the porch and I was asking him questions about that wounded knee documentary he did for PBS, and he said, “we weren’t afraid to die, and we weren’t afraid of prison..shit I’m still not afraid. That’s what our people need, to have no fear. This is a fear based society.” My mother remembers being in college and wanting to go to wounded knee at the time. Funny how she ended up marrying my dad. A lot of people talk awful about AIM, about my father, and the other leaders, I see it all the time. But this was a different time, even if it was just in the 70’s, no one could say shit about what AIM did. AIM went gun to gun against the government, and lived to tell about it, AIM took over federal buildings, we were an ignored people before them. My aunties and my dad fought hard for AIM. My brothers and sisters are AIM by blood, that’s the way I see it. And a few of them, they were alive during the time of the occupation. I put AIM in my music. So today, go outside and say a little prayer, put some food out for the spirits. Because a lot of people lost their lives at this time. I’m proud to be indigenous, I’m proud to be and Oglala Lakota, to be Diné, to be Omaha. And I wear my hair proud. Thank you AIM. Thanks pops…”—- Nataanii Means

These Words from 2 generations of Resistance echoed through my Being last evening, as I sat beside the Tipi Fire. I thought about how cut and dried the enemy/friend situation was once for our People. It was simple to differentiate between what and who was killing us and who and what could Make us Live.

I thought about Ehani Stories, Winter Stories told to the Children, at a Time when the Stories would really stick: Wintertime. There is a certain Story about a Being named Iya. Iya means “Mouth”, and Iya is the “Great Consumer” of Nations. The interesting thing is that when Iya eats a Nation, THAT NATION DOES NOT KNOW IT HAS BEEN SWALLOWED! It goes on, OBLIVIOUS TO THE FACT IT IS BEING ABSORBED INTO IYA HIMSELF! THESE NATIONS THEN ACTUALLY BECOME A PART OF IYA!

This is what we can See Nataanii refer to, the way it seems we have no “dead enders”. They are all gone, anf those from even my generation seem to have opted out, by hanging themselves up like last ditch Prayer Flags, wrapped in the Color of their Choice.

I tell you right now, I PLAN to die in conflict with the Oppressor. I have spent my life trying to focus my blurry eyes to be able to See the who/what is killing me/us. It is an insidious and nuanced BEAST, this Iya. Many of the seemingly “activist” efforts end up only being efforts to somehow INCLUDE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE INTO THE MELTING POT EVEN MORE…Melting Pot…hmmm. Sounds like The Belly Of Iya. He is digesting you as you read this. Your ENEMY is becoming more and more nuanced. Soon enough, if we do not LEARN TO FEEL THE PRESSURE OF OPPRESSION, become SENSITIVE TO THE NUANCES, Our Future Generations, beginning with the ones now living, SHALL WILLFULLY OPT INTO THE BEAST TOTALLY.


Ohecetu. I AIM.

“Revolution Means Going Back To The Beginning.” —- Russell Means.

Liberation DEPENDS upon Revolution. Yet, the Invader/Usurper/Occupier INSISTS we are either evolving or devolving. We are NOT! We are Renewing Our Lifeways by Setting The Aesthetic Standards. These Things seem like nothing to many, but to Dreamers…

So, I AIM’s Design for Urban Planning Illustrates Revolution:

0264_001-page-001All Directions Point Inward. Toward The people. Toward The Heart, The Hearth… Within the Center Tipi Structure, Containing The Fire Without End, There Shall We School The Children, According To lakol Wicohan Kin. We Have Ways Of Teaching, And Learning.

These Ways do not discount or discredit the Knowing of Wasicu Ways, but Consider these Things according to a Standard, a Bell-weather, A Paradigm… A Lifeway. If One can See how the Arrow Heads make A Way For The Medicine Wheel, Within  The Inherent Nature Of This Plan…

0266_001(1)and If One can See how a Tiospaye, A Tewahe would Find, Nurture and Grow Root, then One can See The Future and Revolution.

Via Ehani Stories, WinterCount Keeping, Preparing The Artifacts Of Life, Out True Art, and By doing away with something as simple and insidious as the chair… We Revolve. We Begin to USE Our Elegant Artifacts of Life again for LIVING and not simply as curiosities.

The Wasicu gets us flippin to his trip via the SIMPLE Control Mechanisms of Time Keeping. The Clock and The Calendar. There should be few if any clocks among the Nation and surely we should replace THEIR calendar with our own Wintercount.

Our Ehani Stories are far more than the equivalent of the wasicu bedtime story, their fairy tales and falcehoods only serve to inculcate the Youth into believing in nothing, and constantly seeking True Authority.

Yes, the Youth SEEK Authority. If you ask the Invader, he will insist the Youth DEFY Authority. True Authority is Rooted. Author-ity, Authorship is necessary here, and WE are The Aboriginal Authors/Authorities. All the necessary components of a Complete Being are waiting for us, if only we get up out of THEIR chairs, off THEIR clock, and away from THEIR calendars.

Speaking of Time and Calendars… Today is the Day The Independent Oglala Nation was Realized at Wounded Knee, Lakotah Nation. This is a Day Of Celebration and Remembrance. Long Live The Spirit Of Russell Means.


Here is an example of a Wintercount. This is one that was kept by my Grandfathers, The White Swans, Minneconjou Lakotah. :

08633900 Within such Beings, are a Myriad of Knowing and Truth  and Lifeway.


Ohecetu. I AIM

I AIM For Liberation

Posted: February 25, 2014 in IAIM
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So I got out of prison in 1994. Was married, new car, finally got a good paying job. So much so that I purchased books to read during break times. One that I read was “Where White Men Fear To Tread”. The Autobiography of Russell Means. Wow. Life Changing. I quit working like I was and became “an artist”. I began doing the Native Art Shows and I was even winning Blue Ribbons and selling well. I grew my hair back out, like when I was a teenager, even longer, and had two braids, braided IN FRONT of my ears, representing Adult Lakotah Masculinity.

I took my Sister out to eat one time after winning big and selling well. She suddenly said “there’s Dennis Banks”. I turned to look, It was Russell Means. I got up, went to him, thanked him for his Struggle, and all he had done for the Cause, and for me. I thanked him for my long hair and what little I knew that far of Lakol Wicohan Ki. He listened, not looking at me, then he rose, and turned to me, he said he wanted my help at his Ranch to begin an Immersion School. I couldn’t  do it then, as I was on parole, it was 1998. In 2001 we did a Presentation together at Augustana College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It was then that I showed him the designs for what is now the “I AIM Hard-Sided Tipi”.

In 2005 I visited him, Wanbli Koyake and I picked him up at the Racist City Airport and we spent good times together. I told him I was due to be considered for early release from parole. He said “it’s a no-brainer”. He was the ONLY one who felt as I did, that it was obvious I would be set free.

I was, in November 2005. In 2006 Wanbli Koyake and I went to visit him at The Ranch to introduce the “Oppressionist” Concept of Art. Russell IMMEDIATLEY was all in. We did a Show at Shamans Gallery in Hot Springs, and it was REVOLUTIONARY. We showed “Riding With Ghosts” there too.

That Summer, Tatanka Means and I did Hanbleciyapi, on two separate Hills, this was done at the Hesapa Sundance Grounds, and it was a 4 Day Vision Quest. Life Changing. Russell Means did much in his Lifetime, but what he did that is Most Important, is Restore Lakol Wicohan Ki. I remember Buckshot Knight telling me how Russell pulled up in a pickup truck early AIM Days and asked “Who hasn’t done their Vision Quest?”. A handful of Lakotah jumped in with their stuff and were “Put Up” en masse. I think about how over the course of more than 3 decades, Russell Sundanced.

He came to Greengrass to Support me during my fourth year Sundancing. He came over and talked to the Dancers. It was PERFECT, as I was being dogged by these guys, flag-waving amerikkkans, unwittingly, about how I had the US Flag in the dirt, stars to my feet, as a sort of rug to lay on during breaks. This was making them angrier and angrier. Russell’s Words that day were PERFECT. It is as though he had heard all they were saying about me being a nobody, bum, huffer, etc…Same old same old from the usual suspects who do not Know Dreaming. Same old story when they condemned me for “Riding With Ghosts” and Russell Means was there to defend me and the Movie.

 That Flag was also used by me in a series of videos such as “What It Means To be An Amerikkkan Today”

I ended up Gifting that Flag to Russell the next year at The Hesapa Sundance. He LOVED that Flag. It is in a well-known photo of him, taken right after I draped it on his shoulders, and also in a very well done Painting/Portrait of Him.  That Amerikkkan Flag and Russell Means… He turned our World Right Side Up By Turning It Upside Down.  He showed us “How it is Done”, just like our Pipe Filling Song Says: “Friend, Do It This Way”.


Now, these years later, and after Russell’s Passing to the Spirit World, We are at a crossroad. Do we slumber once again and continue into the Amerikkkan Dream? Or do we Continue To Carry The True Fire Of Liberation? What Is That Fire? It IS Lakol Wicohan Ki. Wherein the Least are the Most, and Respect is Lived and breathed. Russell Lives Lakol Wicohan Ki, Those of Us Who Know, Know The Spirits, And Simply are Serene in this Knowing. Yet, We can easily See that Things Must Be Said, Knowings Must Be Shared, or AIM and The Movement will ONLY Be focused upon the weights and measures of the Oppressor for Identity, Solutions, Education, and “lifeways”. If we allow the inculcated to simply Take this from the People, The Oppressed, the Repressed, The Depressed, The Downpressed,  We are Cowards.

Yet, if we Continue the Knowings, Walkings, and Ways of Russell Means, I know One Thing: Russell Means Liberation.

So, The Question is: What Are Your Roots? Nurture Them, it Is All We Are, Our Roots. Through These Ways, Liberation. All else, is continued incarceration.

For Those With Ears.



I was happy to get home last night. Struggle. Struggle is something we are all used to. We live there. We do not “walk through the valley of the shadow of death”, we camp there, draw our Water from the Spring there. There we know every Song, every Dawn, every Wake, every Snake. There, “The Rules” apply.

So, I struggled to get home. My rezcar had a battery problem which has now been remedied. Ebb and Flow.

I gathered Wood for the Fire at Dusk. I thought upon things. I thought of People. I thought of conversations had throughout the day because of struggle… and even, Struggle.

I thought of Dreamers, and Their Ways. I had the Good Fortune of being abled to Speak with Helen Redfeather the other day, and we talked of much. Yet, What Was Discussed Most?





So too, when I had the Time to Speak with my Brother Tatanka some days ago. What Did We Talk Of?





As I struggled yesterday, hitching rides here and there…catching up to this one, just missing that one, Ebb and Flow.

What Was The Conversation?





To most, I suppose this is foolishness. To Us, It Is Life.





That The People May Live: Urban Planning

Posted: February 13, 2014 in IAIM

I have waited a bit to share our Urban Planning with You.

As Russell Means once said “Simple Elegance Is Profundity, Period.”

I believe this Plan, in concert with I AIM Hard-Sided Tipi Plans and CanteMazaPeta, Our Plans for an efficient, Hemp Burning Stove,is so Revolutionary, SO Simple, and So True, that the stiff-necked activists will not be able to even fathom the Depth Of Being. yes, those engaged in pursuits of APPLE Pie will never sanction such a Movement! Good. We need to separate the True from the rest. We need to differentiate the Freedom Seeking from the myriad of “act-as-ifs” who SIMPLY WANT A SEAT AT THE WASICU TABLE…even if it is as his/her master’s footstool.

Our Urban Plan: A Central, Large Sized “Hard-Sided Tipi” for Meetings, Gatherings, and Doings. Within this Tipi should be all types of utilities to Make The People Live, and ALSO a “Fireplace” Where the “Fire Without End” Shall Burn for the Tiospaye.

Yes, these are Tiospaye Based Plans. 12 “Single Family” sized “Hard-Sided Tipi” and 12 triangle shaped garage/storage spaces. SImple. Elegant. Based upon the “AIM Arrows” Design, BUT with THE ARROWS ALL POINTING INWARD! Yes, it is Time to become FULLY and TRULY A Movement!


We Have A Dream: Liberation. We Are Dreamers. This is a SIMPLE THING!


Of course, I AIM Promotes the use of Hemp/Cannabis as Building Materials, and as Medicine. We also promote it as a source of Heat, for burning compressed Cannabis/Hemp Logs would SAVE FORESTS!

WE ARE I AIM! As others falter, flail, fall and fold, we are more and more bold, BREAK THE MOLD!


This is too Simple for most, But We Know Some Have Ears, Some Have Eyes. And The Youth…They Been Looking For US! We ARE HERE! I AIM!

Timeless Words Of Liberation.

Posted: February 12, 2014 in IAIM

—Tecumseh’s Speech at Tuckaubatchee, 1811

In defiance of the white warriors of Ohio and Kentucky, I have traveled through their settlements, once our favorite hunting grounds. No war-whoop was sounded, but there is blood on our knives. The Pale-faces felt the blow, but knew not whence it came. Accursed be the race that has seized on our country and made women of our warriors. Our fathers, from their tombs, reproach us as slaves and cowards. I hear them now in the wailing winds. The Muscogee was once a mighty people. The Georgians trembled at your war-whoop, and the maidens of my tribe, on the distant lakes, sung the prowess of your warriors and sighed for their embraces. Now your very blood is white; your tomahawks have no edge; your bows and arrows were buried with your fathers. Oh! Muscogees, brethren of my mother, brush from your eyelids the sleep of slavery; once more strike for vengeance; once more for your country. The spirits of the mighty dead complain. Their tears drop from the weeping skies. Let the white race perish. They seize your land; they corrupt your women; they trample on the ashes of your dead! Back, whence they came, upon a trail of blood, they must be driven. Back! back, ay, into the great water whose accursed waves brought them to our shores! Burn their dwellings! Destroy their stock! Slay their wives and children! The Red Man owns the country, and the Pale-faces must never enjoy it. War now! War forever! War upon the living! War upon the dead! Dig their very corpses from the grave. Our country must give no rest to a white man’s bones. This is the will of the Great Spirit, revealed to my brother, his familiar, the Prophet of the Lakes. He sends me to you. All the tribes of the north are dancing the war-dance. Two mighty warriors across the seas will send us arms. Tecumseh will soon return to his country. My prophets shall tarry with you. They will stand between you and the bullets of your enemies. When the white men approach you the yawning earth shall swallow them up. Soon shall you see my arm of fire stretched athwart the sky. I will stamp my foot at Tippecanoe, and the very earth shall shake.

(Address to General William Henry Harrison)

Houses are built for you to hold councils in. The Indians hold theirs in the open air. I am a Shawnee. My forefathers were warriors. Their son is a warrior. From them I take my only existence. From my tribe I take nothing. I have made myself what I am. And I would that I could make the red people as great as the conceptions of my own mind, when I think of the Great Spirit that rules over us all. I would not then come to Governor Harrison to ask him to tear up the treaty [the 1795 Treaty of Greenville, which gave the United States parts of the Northwest Territory].

But I would say to him, “Brother, you have the liberty to return to your own country.” You wish to prevent the Indians from doing as we wish them, to unite and let them consider their lands as a common property of the whole. You take the tribes aside and advise them not to come into this measure. You want by your distinctions of Indian tribes, in allotting to each a particular, to make them war with each other. You never see an Indian endeavor to make the white people do this. You are continually driving the red people, when at last you will drive them into the great lake [Lake Michigan], where they can neither stand nor work.

Since my residence at Tippecanoe, we have endeavored to level all distinctions, to destroy village chiefs, by whom all mischiefs are done. It is they who sell the land to the Americans. Brother, this land that was sold, and the goods that was given for it, was only done by a few. In the future we are prepared to punish those who propose to sell land to the Americans. If you continue to purchase them, it will make war among the different tribes, and, at last I do not know what will be the consequences among the white people.

Brother, I wish you would take pity on the red people and do as I have requested. If you will not give up the land and do cross the boundary of our present settlement, it will be vary hard and produce great trouble between us. 

The way, the only way to stop this evil, is for the red people to unite in claiming a common and equal right in the land, as it was at first, and should be now — for it was never divided, but belongs to all.

No tribe has the right to sell, even to each other, much less to strangers.

Sell a country?! Why not sell the air, the great sea, as well as the earth? Did not the Great Spirit make them all for the use of his children?

How can we have confidence in the white people? We have good and just reasons to believe we have ample grounds to accuse the Americans of injustice, especially when such great acts of injustice have been committed by them upon our race, of which they seem to have no manner of regard, or even to reflect. *When Jesus Christ came upon the earth you killed him and nailed him to the cross. You thought he was dead, and you were mistaken. You have the Shakers among you, and you laugh and make light of their worship.* Everything I have told you is the truth. The Great Spirit has inspired me. (Tecumseh)

(Tecumseh’s Speech to the Osages) (Winter 1811-12)

Brothers,—We all belong to one family; we are all children of the Great Spirit; we walk in the same path; slake our thirst at the same spring; and now affairs of the greatest concern lead us to smoke the pipe around the same council fire!

Brothers,—We are friends; we must assist each other to bear our burdens. The blood of many of our fathers and brothers has run like water on the ground, to satisfy the avarice of the white men. We, ourselves, are threatened with a great evil; nothing will pacify them but the destruction of all the red men.

Brothers,—When the white men first set foot on our grounds, they were hungry; they had no place on which to spread their blankets, or to kindle their fires. They were feeble; they could do nothing for themselves. Our father commiserated their distress, and shared freely with them whatever the Great Spirit had given his red children. They gave them food when hungry, medicine when sick, spread skins for them to sleep on, and gave them grounds, that they might hunt and raise corn.

Brothers,—The white people are like poisonous serpents: when chilled, they are feeble and harmless; but invigorate them with warmth, and they sting their benefactors to death.

The white people came among us feeble; and now we have made them strong, they wish to kill us, or drive us back, as they would wolves and panthers.

Brothers,—The white men are not friends to the Indians: at first, they only asked for land sufficient for a wigwam; now, nothing will satisfy them but the whole of our hunting grounds, from the rising to the setting sun.

Brothers,—The white men want more than our hunting grounds; they wish to kill our warriors; they would even kill our old men, women and little ones.

Brothers,—Many winters ago, there was no land; the sun did not rise and set: all was darkness. The Great Spirit made all things. He gave the white people a home beyond the great waters. He supplied these grounds with game, and gave them to his red children; and he gave them strength and courage to defend them.

Brothers—My people wish for peace; the red men all wish for peace; but where the white people are, there is no peace for them, except it be on the bosom of our mother.

Brothers,—The white men despise and cheat the Indians; they abuse and insult them; they do not think the red men sufficiently good to live.

The red men have borne many and great injuries; they ought to suffer them no longer. My people will not; they are determined on vengeance; they have taken up the tomahawk; they will make it fat with blood; they will drink the blood of the white people.

Brothers,—My people are brave and numerous; but the white people are too strong for them alone. I wish you to take up the tomahawk with them. If we all unite, we will cause the rivers to stain the great waters with their blood.

Brothers,—If you do not unite with us, they will first destroy us, and then you will fall an easy prey to them. They have destroyed many nations of red men because they were not united, because they were not friends to each other.

Brothers,—The white people send runners amongst us; they wish to make us enemies that they may sweep over and desolate our hunting grounds, like devastating winds, or rushing waters.

Brothers,—Our Great Father, over the great waters, is angry with the white people, our enemies. He will send his brave warriors against them; he will send us rifles, and whatever else we want—he is our friend, and we are his children.

Brothers,—Who are the white people that we should fear them? They cannot run fast, and are good marks to shoot at: they are only men; our fathers have killed many of them; we are not squaws, and we will stain the earth red with blood.

Brothers,—The Great Spirit is angry with our enemies; he speaks in thunder, and the earth swallows up villages, and drinks up the Mississippi. The great waters will cover their lowlands; their corn cannot grow, and the Great Spirit will sweep those who escape to the hills from the earth with his terrible breach.

Brothers,—We must be united; we must smoke the same pipe; we must fight each other’s battles; and more than all, we must love the Great Spirits he is for us; he will destroy our enemies, and make all his red children happy.—–


“When the legends die, the dreams end; there is no more greatness, So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide. Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none. When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision. When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.”

Internationally Speaking…

Posted: February 11, 2014 in IAIM

We are Peoples of over 500 separate and distinct Nations. We have our separate and distinct Languages, Lifeways, and Landbases. These 3 things are what the UN sees as prerequisites to Nationhood.


Are You International?

Or…Are you INTRAnational…simply, only, pitifully, just an American? Maybe you are NOT seeing yourself as American but rather, say, Mexican. Still you are not off the hook, because True Aboriginal Authority supersedes the amalgamations of exploitation known as “Canada”, “United States”, “Mexico”. ANY “Nation” usurping Indigenous Sovereignty, Lifeways, Landbase, Language, hell, THOSE are the Enemy…

Unless, of course, you tend to identify, even, Identify with and through, said entities. If you do, you are inculcated to spout and spew about “the Answer” being locked away somwhere in the American Dream, and if ONLY EVERY child had equal and complete access to the spoils of the exploiter, why, then the World would be Righteous. Righteous like the American Dream. The only “problem” is inequality…

But Wait! How could the Healthy, Righteous, Wealthy and Good Homeowner EVER be conned, duped and bamboozled into thinking she is somehow deserving of an EQUAL shot at the loot the burglar has taken from her? Insanity!

Oh, the Invader says we lived brutal lives, yet, we can See that the Bounty, Beauty and Benevolence of Nature Flourished for thousands of years here on Turtle Island. This is the Old World. The Lakotah Nation has a Beginning Story of being born of Wind Cave, in Hesapa, misnomered as “The Black Hills of South Dakota”. These “Hills” are actually THE WORLD’S OLDEST MOUNTAINS. We simply Never ruined our Mother. We Never saw her as a resource to explot and sell. Just as the Wolves, Trees, Birds, and Bees SIMPLY have Lifeways, SO TOO DO WE! We need not “form a government”. We need not “enact legislation”. We SIMPLY HAVE WAYS OF CHOOSING LEADERS! WE SIMPLY HAVE WAYS OF LEARNING/TEACHING/KNOWING! WE SIMPLY HAVE WAYS OF THRIVATION RATHER THAN DEPRIVATION! We SIMPLY ARE DREAMERS AND NEED NO AMERICAN DREAM!

Truly, for those of us who See thusly, Your American Dream is a CONSTANT NIGHTMARE! No Wonder The Youth opt out! No Wonder we implode like the Tipi! Just as members of The Paternal Order claw and fight and explode upon each other, Our Peoples Implode! So, we are NOT seen as a threat, or a menace, therefore no RESPECT IS AFFORDED! This Innate Way within our Beings shall NEVER change. We shall NEVER become the exploders they are, no matter how many generations are born and raised in caskets, coffins and mausoleums. The buildings the exploders utilize and foist upon us are simply caskets, from the cradle, to the grave, from the hospital to the nursing home, from the school to the workplace, all caskets for the walking dead.

Why does NOBODY propose, promote, or push The Tipi, or whatever Your Nation’s Original Structure, be utilized for Living? Sure, this current abomination, the canvas “Tipi” is not livable. But a modified version is, and is available for anybody to see, use, take, share, sell, and make, elsewhere on this blog. We need to push, promote and demand TRUE SOVEREIGNTY via our Lifeways, Landbases and Languages.

We need to make Relations with our miscommonstandings of the Relevance of our Roots. Our Roots are the All We Are. We Grow from our Roots, but cannot grow without them. Just as a Leaf cut from its very Root can resprout new Roots, so too can we. Yet, The Leaf Cannot Choose It’s Root.

So, it is Simple Then. IF You feel you deserve a nice slice o’ that Apple Pie, Americana and The Dream, go for it. You shall then care about Columbus Day, Mascots, “An Education” and serving THEIR Military Machine…ALLL Intranationally AMERICAN CARES.

But if you Know Your Root, somehow even only Innately, and are Starving for Dignity among the indignities thrust upon you, Then You are International. You Are More Than American. More Than Mexican, More Than Canadian, You Are Indigenous! We Are Here For You!

International American Indian Movement: I AIM.