Archive for July, 2014

As the Sun Set, Amerikkkan troops surrounded us. They held the bridge over the Tongue River. They were armed, maybe 20 of them I could see, knowing they must also have snipers I could not. They had us surrounded, They were behind us too, between us and Birney Village. the River being the funnel they pushed us toward. We hunkered down in the Tipi, the Mongrel Horde wondering what was afoot.

Then, sudden and rapid words over radios and among the invaders. They let loose their automatic weapons. The staccato fire, all around us. The Horde could tell, as I could, that they were just shooting blanks. The 2 different calibers we heard were their weapons of choice in small arms munitions. The Horde settled in, knowing it was all hot air. The firing stopped. They must have shot the fuck out of us in their imagination. They began walking across the bridge toward us. I heard them cursing “Iraqis”. SO, after their bravado and boasts, I shouted back, because we were a mere 100 yards apart, “Fuck Amerikkka, Fuck Amerikkka, Fuck Amerikkka, Fuck America! Praise Allah! You Shoot Blanks! Come over here and I will FUCK YOU ALL UP!” Said this over and over a few times….

The invaders left.

So, WHY surround the Tipi and attempt to terrorize? Comandante Field Marshall Song Zoo of the Beautiful Birney Cats said I should feel HONORED The Enemy spent so much to send a hollow message.

We Shall Not Be Moved. Long Live HAMAS. Long Live REVOLUTION!

Ohecetu. I Am Defender Eagle.

Revolution is upon us. When I was Young, I heard how Crazy Horse single handedly killed 70 some miners who were occupying Hesapa and mining illegally. He did not have signs, he did not protest. he had very little support, even way back then.

It is not surprising then, that there are few longing for death in the Struggle against the Enemy. They will mine here, on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation, The Land Of The Morning Star People.

They use diversionary tactics to hide their strategy. Diversions like focus upon the publicly known Otter Creek Mine, just off the Reservation, so they can keep SECRET, the Logging Creek Mine, a PLAN already in motion, ON THE REZ!

Stand Up! Stand Up For The Youth!

Prepare for certain death in defense! Overthrow the Oldguard: The Molesters, Controllers, Naysayers, ANTIMARIJUANAMUTHERFUCKERS! The YOUTH have the numbers, and they all smoke pot. Lets do this. Now or never, no more fear. Hoka Hey.

T.I.P.I. L.I.F.E.

Posted: July 1, 2014 in Uncategorized

We all know about THUG LIFE. hell, I gots it tatted on mines own chest. It is Something Tupac Made which Means:

“The Hate U Gave Little Infants Fucks Everyone”…


“The Inspiration Provided Infants Lifts Indigenous Families Everywhere.”

Therefore, MY FIRST Priority is Seeing to it that an “I AIM Hard-Sided Tipi” LIVES THIS YEAR.

I have an opportunity NOW to FINALLY build one here on The Cheyenne Nation. It will be in Busby and will be a Trading Post. This is through Lame Deer Trading Post and The Dreamer Sister of Mine, Donna Hurff.

Hoka Hey. Revolution.